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I am Brooke and I am a quarter Japanese, a quarter Polish and half Swedish. I have never broken a bone, but did get my first bee sting in the Spring of 2021. My favorite color is rainbow and I could eat noodles every day. I reside in Charlotte, NC with my husband, Christopher, who is an extraordinarily gifted musician and music teacher, and my 17 year old son, Gryphon, who lights me up and teaches me so much every single day. When I am not working, I love to hang with family, friends and furries, travel to places near and far, garden, cook and dance - especially to my favorite band, Phish, that I have been seeing live since 1993. In 1996 at the age of 19, I lost my mother to cancer and have spent a large part of my adult life navigating the unfathomable loss, healing the wound and coming to a deep "innerstanding" of how this circumstance has shaped who I am in the world. My superpowers are seeing the good and letting go. It has taken many healing paths and lots of shadow work to know that I am also very good at masking pain, but I have learned to make friends with this powerful, unavoidable teacher and am getting better at allowing myself to feel and process in order to be liberated. I am absolutely enamored with Mother Nature and work every day to be as aligned as possible with her. I make many mistakes. I used to procrastinate, now I Divinely discern. I have learned that perspective is everything, often shifting it is beneficial and I honor that yours may be different than mine. Most of my life I have been deathly afraid of singing while truly longing to unleash my voice, and it has been working with the plants (and my amazing husband) that has helped me reconcile the fear and open up. How liberating! I know that I am ultimately here in this Earth suit to serve and I feel absolutely blessed to be able to do life in a way that fills my being full! 



How I Got Here

Aloha, Dear One!


After a minor car accident in the Spring of 2005, I suffered from some back pain

and went to see a chiropractor. He did his thing and suggested I try yoga. I had

taken a class here and there in the past, but this time something was different.

When I stepped onto my yoga mat at the Dr.'s suggestion something was ignited

and I felt an overwhelming sense of coming home to my Self. I knew almost

immediately that this would be a lifelong path. I quickly began a regular practice and nearly instantly started feeling better. As I was becoming stronger and more spacious in my body, I was amazed to see and feel that same strength and expansion simultaneously growing in my mind, heart and spirit. It would not be long before I knew that I wanted to share yoga with others and later that year I began my first 200 hour Power Vinyasa yoga teacher training with Dolly Kaupp of (then) Red Stone Yoga. I have since studied with many teachers as well as many different styles of yoga along the way and I am so grateful for all I have learned on what I consider to be my first true healing path. In 2006 I became a full time yoga teacher and 10 years later, in 2016, I began leading 200 hour yoga teacher trainings . In divine alignment, in 2017, I reunited with my first teacher, Dolly, to complete my 300 hour Advanced Shamanic Yoga Teacher Training. This was a beautiful curriculum alchemizing two of my greatest loves; yoga and shamanism and facilitated a deepening of my relationships with my body, consciousness, the Earth and the interconnectedness of all that is.  I have always felt a deep connection to, and immensely inspired by, Gaia; our mother, nurturer and giver of life. It is she who created us, she who sustains us and when we leave these bodies we will return to her. In 2014, I traveled to Peru for the first time to experience plant medicine in the Amazon and it opened up a whole new, magically profound Universe for me. This first initiation completely blew me away and activated my true love affair with the plant kingdom. Since that initial journey to Peru, I have traveled back several times to learn more about this sublime world and myself through it. Both my husband and I are studying Shipibo Curanderismo (Traditional Healing Arts of South America) We have completed diets with different master plant teachers under the guidance of our teacher, Papa Gilberto, and are fully committed to the plant path. Although I was already mentoring through leading Yoga Teacher Trainings, becoming a "coach" was not something I intentionally set out to do. When I took my first coaching training in 2018, I was not even really sure what a coach was. I signed up for the training for deeper personal understanding, growth and healing. I traveled to Berkeley, California several times to study sex and relationship coaching with Celeste Herschman and Danielle Harel, cofounders of the Somatica Institute.  As I dove into this incredibly deep work I learned an extraordinary amount about myself and the breadth of human sexuality. My greatest desire and purpose in this life is to serve and hold space for others- and this was a new avenue; my interest in coaching was definitely piqued!  In 2019, I was led to step into Sacred Depths transformational coaching training, which was an amazing program led by the masterful Joanna Lindenbaum. The same year I traveled to Costa Rica and trained to become a  feminine embodiment facilitator through the school of  Tantric Alchemy. In 2020 I completed an end of life doula training with Suzanne B. O’Brien, the founder of Doulagivers. In the Spring of 2021 I completed a Trauma Informed for Plant Medicine Facilitation training with Atria Tan who is a trauma expert and beautiful teacher. I continued my studies with her to become a certified somatic psychedelic integration practitioner. I am currently immersed in a year long Alchemical Herbalism program, studying plant intelligence, spiritual ecology, traditional Western Herbalism, Ayurveda, the relationship between plants and the elements, the planets, and energetic patterns of nature with the School of Evolutionary Herbalism. From Feb through September 2021, I studied Sidereal Astrology weekly with Star Oracle Astrology and am truly fascinated with the Universe and how the sky beings affect who we are in these Earth suits! I suppose it would be safe to say that I LOVE learning! I enjoy gaining new insights through different tools and modalities that can be deeply transformative and foster a rich expansion of self and understanding, a well as serving others. I am eternally grateful for the wisdom all my teachers have shared. AHO! Updated 7/22/2021





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